What is Witchcraft, Really?
The word witchcraft is thrown around a lot these days. It shows up in television, movies, tv, books, and in the rapidly growing world we describe with umbrella terms like new age or pagan. Some people will tell you that witchcraft is the oldest religion, dating back to pre-history when all cultures worshipped a mother goddess. Anthropological and archaeological research has disproved this quite thoroughly, but it’s a romantic and enticing idea that resonates with people who want to prove the validity and sanctity of their spiritual practice. The truth is that witchcraft means many things and has many labels and diverse practices associated with it the world over. Shamanism, Wicca, Druidry, syncretic religions like Hoodoo and Santeria, the Pow-Wow folk magic of the Pennsylvania Dutch—these are only a select few of the many, many religious and spiritual practices related to witchcraft. Some people practice magic but don’t call themselves witches. Some witches don’t follow a reli...