Why and Who

I've started this blog as an outlet to share my knowledge and insight in a constructive way. Current events this year have given us horrible things like a global pandemic and racially motivated violence, leaders who are more interested in power and popularity than the rights of their citizens, and the public rise of organized groups bent on acting out their aggression on vulnerable populations.

I try to avoid politics, and I keep a low profile social media. But this year has forced me to recognize that being silent is not helpful and that if I can bring hope or comfort or inspiration to just one or two people, that will be better than nothing. I previously kept a blog on the dumpster fire that is tumbler dot com, but I left over a year ago because...well, reasons. It's a vacuum of inside jokes and aggressive opinions that eventually overshadowed any value I was getting out of it.

I've started this blog so that I can put my words to get use--or at the very least work on expressing myself authentically. Because these days that is more important than anything. Many of us have spent years in the dark, fawning and appeasing and walking on eggshells to protect ourselves. I don't want that for myself anymore, and if I can help another person on that same journey, then it'll be worth it.

Who Am I?

I completed a Bachelor of English and currently work as a professional writer. It's generally boring work, but I count my blessings that I'm among those employed in a role relevant to my education. On a more personal level, I am a Celtic pagan following a path most easily described as Druidry. I practice traditional witchcraft, a highly personalized form of witchcraft that (in simple terms) centers on working with land spirits, ancestors, and tools like divination, vision work, and spellwork. For me, magic is for personal growth and transformation, using words and rituals to enact change in my life.

My path has been a mixed bag of immense blessings and soul-wrenching struggles. I have used a combination of spirituality, magic, therapy, and Jung's shadow work over the past 5 years to reach a place of balance and stability, but the work is never done. There is always room for more growth and I will never stop pursuing it. I hope that the words I write will help you on your own path.


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